Worship (revised)

Visit Us

Time and Location

We gather for worship each Sunday at 530 E Edgewood Dr (the Newberg Seventh-Day Adventist building).

Our service begins at 10:00am.

If you would like additional information ahead of time, please contact us at info@cvpchurch.com.

What To Expect

You’ll find people from various backgrounds and walks of life. Each one of us is broken in our own ways and imperfect before God. Yet we are also united by a common thread: each of us is in desperate need of Jesus at every moment in our lives. We gather weekly to hear of and receive this beautiful grace.

In terms of dress, come and join us as you are. Style or dress isn’t a barrier to participating with us.

Children have a place among us, too. We provide nursery during the entire service for ages 0-3, and Children’s Church for ages 4-6 during the sermon time. Activity packets are also available for older kids as they learn to be active worshippers.

Stick around after the service for a cup of coffee and find fellowship with others; we’d love to get to know you.

How We Worship

Our Approach to Worship

We believe that worshipping together is the central event in the life of the church, and we are intentional in how we design our services. Our approach can be summed up by the following:


Since we believe that God is the one who assembles us for worship, we want to make sure that the service is rooted in and shaped by Scripture. The Christian church also has a rich history of thoughtful worship, so our services also draw from some of the historic traditions of our spiritual ancestors.


Liturgy and rootedness shouldn’t be inaccessible and unintelligible. We apply these principles and approaches so that someone from our contemporary context can understand the richness of worshipping God.


You can expect our worship services to revolve around the same things each week: preaching from Scripture and coming around the Lord’s Table. It may not be fancy, but we expect God to work in extraordinary ways through these ordinary means.

Our Application of Worship

Our approach to worship shapes our service in practical ways. You can expect the following in a typical service:


Our service is deliberately liturgical. We believe that worship is like a dance in which God takes the lead. The various elements and movements in the service resemble different steps. Each step is performed in a certain order, which turns into a beautiful whole as they are brought together. The service is a series of movements where God addresses us by his Word and we respond accordingly. As they come together, God leads us through a worshipful dance of call and response which brings us through his story of redemption.


We hear competing voices throughout the week from all sorts of sources, telling us distortions of who we should be. But in worship, God speaks to us about who he is, who we are, and that he dictates the stories of our lives. Since worship is oriented towards God and around his Word, we place a high priority on listening to what he says. Not only does preaching from the Bible take a prominent place, but the whole service is also filled with Scripture readings and responses.


The gospel message comes not only through the Word we hear, but also the Sacraments. Baptism and the Lord’s Table are where we receive the promises of Christ’s Word in tangible form. Simply put, they are the gospel given to us in ways we can see, smell, taste, and touch. Each week, we come to the communion table to be joyously renewed and nourished by the promises of Jesus in the bread and the cup. As desperate people, we need constant reminders that we live only by faith in him alone.